Every company or employer wishes to hire the most suitable candidate for the desired job. Unfortunately many end up hiring the wrong person for the job. Let us share an instance of how Ms. Pankhuri Shah from Dubai who was in charge of hiring candidates ended up choosing the wrong one.
Ms. Shah has always been very loyal to the company she worked for. Every vacancy was filled with her chosen candidates. She always thought that after interviewing nearly 100 employees so far, she was able to judge them and study their behaviour through their qualifications and skills. Not every decision by the most experienced person can always be right. One always ends up making errors and Ms. Shah was about to do the same. Mr. Aman came in for an interview who had applied for the position of a team leader. He spoke about how experienced he has always been in creative writing and making excellent presentations. Ms. Shah believed that Aman will be suitable as the team leader to teach his colleagues the correct presentation skills, speaking and communicate creatively and working with everyone successfully. To his luck, he was hired with a great salary package and appreciation from the superiors.
Few weeks had passed, Ms. Shah soon realized that Aman was not being able to handle the team pressure and complete the tasks on time. Though his presentations were excellent the way they were communicated in the meeting was not up to the mark. These changes were noticed by Ms. Shah and other superiors very frequently. Pankhuri started to wonder if she had hired the right one for this position. One day she started to question herself about her hiring process and suddenly it struck to her that she could motivate Aman a little to perform his duties better. Aman visited her cabin and they had a good long chat for nearly an hour. She thought motivating him was the only solution and felt he could now show better results. No doubt, Aman was motivated to show better results but yet he failed to do so. This was originally published on SCIKEY website. Read full story at SCIKEY